Events Committee

SAAA coordinates upwards of 40 events per year, both in-person and online. As SAAA continues to grow across Alberta, we need volunteers to help increase the number of events and bring events to more locations. This is why the Events Committee was founded.

The committee includes:
- SAAA’s President (a member of all committees by default). They act in an advisory role and may host events periodically.
- At least one other member of the Board of Directors, plus SAAA’s communications lead (who may be a board member or a volunteer). They are responsible for updating event details on the website calendar, social media, and monthly newsletter, and may also host events periodically.
- Event Hosts (volunteers). They form the majority of the committee.

We are currently seeking event hosts from Calgary, Edmonton, Lethbridge, and Red Deer, as these are cities where we have the largest membership. We’re also happy to welcome hosts from anywhere else in Alberta!

What are Event Hosts?

Event Hosts are volunteers who commit to hosting a minimum of 2 events during the year. At least 1 of those events should be held in person. (You can also host events on Zoom or hybrid format if desired.) The time commitment mainly depends on the type of events that you host and how much preparation is required. The Events Committee communicates via a private channel in our “Alberta Aces and Aros” Discord server; this is used to prevent scheduling overlap and keep SAAA’s communications lead informed so that they can advertise the events.

What are the HOST’s responsibilities?

Hosting is an easy job and a rewarding way to meet your local community! What you will do is:
1) Pick the event type, date, time, and location
2) Share it on the Events Committee Discord channel so that it can be advertised (you are not responsible for promoting the event)
3) Attend the event with something to help visually identify yourself, such as bringing an ace/aro flag or wearing green/purple
4) Be a friendly face for attendees!
5) Optional - Take a group photo that can be shared on social media (please ask permission and give attendees the chance to opt out). Posting event photos creates more traction for people to find us.

What type of event can I host?

Some of the common events that we are seeking hosts for:
Meet & Greets - mixer-style meetups that are open to the public, where people can drop in to chat.
Discussion Nights - the host plans several questions in advance, based on a theme for the discussion night, and facilitates conversation.
Educational Talks - these are more formal presentations with time built in for Q&A. Event hosts who are interested in giving talks will receive additional support from SAAA’s current Speakers to come up with topics & presentation materials.
Game Nights - held at board game cafes, libraries, etc. Game nights could also be done online.
Walk & Talks - going for an easy walk as a group. The host should scope out a walking route in advance so that any accessibility concerns can be advertised (e.g. if there are stairs or steep hills).
Picnics - meeting at a local park, with people bringing food and outdoor games.
You are also welcome to propose your own event!

How can I become a host?

It’s easy - just email and tell us you’re interested!

If you have questions, please email us. Coming up soon, we also have a “Hosting Events” info session, Tuesday March 5 from 7-9pm on Zoom.